AWS Fargate


6 min read

AWS Fargate


AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that allows you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters. With AWS Fargate you can focus on designing and building your applications instead of managing the underlying infrastructure. This blog provides an in-depth guide to AWS Fargate including an overview of its features, setting up a Fargate task and best practices for managing serverless containers. By the end of this tutorial you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use AWS Fargate to run containerized applications seamlessly.

Key Features

  1. Serverless Infrastructure :- With Fargate there are no instances to manage. AWS handles the underlying infrastructure, scaling and patching.

  2. Integrated with ECS and EKS :- Fargate works with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

  3. Granular Compute Resources :- Specify the exact CPU and memory requirements for your containers.

  4. Enhanced Security :- Containers are isolated by design and AWS Fargate manages the underlying virtual machines providing a secure environment for your workloads.

  5. Cost Efficiency :- Pay only for the resources your containers use, reducing costs associated with over-provisioning.

Use Cases

  1. Microservices :- Deploy individual microservices as containers scaling them independently.

  2. Batch Jobs :- Run batch processing jobs with no need for server management.

  3. Web Applications :- Host web applications that require scaling based on demand.

  4. CI/CD Pipelines :- Run CI/CD tasks in containers for a scalable and efficient build process.

Setting Up AWS Fargate

Step 1 :- Creating an ECS Cluster

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon ECS console.

  2. Choose Create Cluster.

  3. Select Networking only, which is the Fargate option and choose Next step.

  4. Name your cluster (e.g. my-fargate-cluster).

  5. Choose Create.

Step 2 :- Defining a Task Definition

A task definition is a blueprint for your application describing one or more containers required to run the task.

  1. In the ECS console choose Task Definitions.

  2. Choose Create new Task Definition.

  3. Select Fargate and choose Next step.

  4. Name your task definition (e.g. my-fargate-task).

  5. Task Role : Choose a task role if you need to grant permissions to AWS resources.

  6. Network Mode : Select awsvpc for Fargate tasks.

  7. Container Definitions : Choose Add container and provide the following details :

    • Container name :- e.g. my-app-container.

    • Image :- The container image URI (e.g. nginx:latest).

    • Memory Limits :- Specify Hard limit (e.g. 512 MiB).

    • Port mappings :- Set the container port (e.g. 80).

Example JSON configuration :-

      "name": "my-app-container",
      "image": "nginx:latest",
      "memory": 512,
      "portMappings": [
          "containerPort": 80,
          "hostPort": 80
  1. Task Memory and CPU : Set the task memory (e.g. 1GB ) and CPU (e.g. 0.5 vCPU ).

  2. Choose Create.

Step 3 :- Creating a Fargate Service

  1. In the ECS console choose Clusters and select your cluster (my-fargate-cluster).

  2. Choose Create and then Create Service.

  3. Launch Type : Select Fargate.

  4. Task Definition : Choose your task definition (my-fargate-task).

  5. Platform version : Select the latest version (LATEST).

  6. Cluster : Ensure your cluster is selected (my-fargate-cluster).

  7. Service name : e.g. my-fargate-service my-fargate-service.

  8. Number of tasks : Set the desired number of tasks (e.g. 1 ).

  9. VPC and Subnets : Select your VPC and subnets.

  10. Security Groups : Create or select a security group.

  11. Auto-assign public IP : Choose ENABLED if you need a public IP.

  12. Load balancer : (Optional) Configure a load balancer.

  13. Choose Next step, review your settings and then choose Create Service.

Step 4 :- Verifying the Deployment

  1. In the ECS console go to your cluster and select the service (my-fargate-service).

  2. Check the status to ensure the task is running.

  3. Access the application using the public IP assigned to the task.

Best Practices for Managing Serverless Containers with Fargate

Resource Allocation

  1. Right-Sizing : Allocate appropriate CPU and memory based on your application's requirements. Monitor usage and adjust as needed.

  2. Auto Scaling : Configure ECS service auto-scaling to automatically adjust the number of running tasks based on demand.


  1. Task Roles : Use IAM roles to grant least privilege access to your tasks.

  2. Network Isolation : Use security groups and VPC configurations to isolate tasks and control inbound/outbound traffic.

  3. Secret Management : Use AWS Secrets Manager or AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to manage sensitive data like database credentials.

Monitoring and Logging

  1. Amazon CloudWatch : Use CloudWatch to monitor logs, metrics and set up alarms for your Fargate tasks.

  2. AWS X-Ray : Use AWS X-Ray to trace requests and diagnose performance issues.

  3. Container Insights : Enable Container Insights for deeper visibility into your container performance and resource utilization.

Cost Optimization

  1. Right-Sizing : Continuously monitor and adjust resource allocations to avoid over-provisioning.

  2. Reserved Instances : Consider using ECS with EC2 instances and reserved instances for long-term savings.

  3. Spot Instances : Use spot instances for non-critical workloads to take advantage of lower pricing.

Example :- Deploying a Simple Web Application with AWS Fargate

Step 1 :- Preparing the Application

Create a simple Node.js web application and Dockerize it.

  1. Create a new directory for your application and initialize it :-
mkdir my-fargate-app
cd my-fargate-app
npm init -y
  1. Install Express.js :-
npm install express
  1. Create an index.js file with the following content :-
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello, AWS Fargate!');

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`App listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
  1. Create a Dockerfile with the following content :-
FROM node:14


COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .


CMD ["node", "index.js"]
  1. Build and push the Docker image to Amazon ECR :-
docker build -t my-fargate-app .
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name my-fargate-app
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your-aws-account-id>
docker tag my-fargate-app:latest <your-aws-account-id>
docker push <your-aws-account-id>

Step 2 :- Defining the Fargate Task

Create a task definition for the Node.js application.

  1. In the ECS console choose Task Definitions.

  2. Choose Create new Task Definition and select Fargate.

  3. Name your task definition (e.g. nodejs-fargate-task ).

  4. Container Definitions : Add a container with the following details :-

Step 3 :- Creating the Fargate Service

Create a service to run the Node.js application.

  1. In the ECS console choose Clusters and select your cluster.

  2. Choose Create and then Create Service.

  3. Launch Type : Select Fargate.

  4. Task Definition : Select your task definition (nodejs-fargate-task).

  5. Service name : nodejs-fargate-service.

  6. Number of tasks : 1

  7. VPC and Subnets : Select your VPC and subnets.

  8. Security Groups : Configure security groups to allow inbound traffic on port 3000 .

  9. Auto-assign public IP : Enable if needed.

  10. Choose Create Service.

Step 4 :- Accessing the Application

  1. In the ECS console go to your cluster and select the service (nodejs-fargate-service).

  2. Note the public IP of the running task.

  3. Access the application at http://<public-ip>:3000.


AWS Fargate simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications by removing the need to manage servers or clusters. This guide provided a detailed walkthrough of setting up a Fargate task, best practices for managing serverless containers and a practical example of deploying a simple Node.js web application. By leveraging AWS Fargate you can focus on building and scaling your applications efficiently, securely and cost-effectively.

Stay tuned for more insights in our upcoming blog posts.

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Happy Cloud Computing!!!

Happy Reading!!!

Sudha Yadav
