Git Stash and Cherry-pick

Git Stash and Cherry-pick


2 min read

Introduction :-

Within the context of version control systems, Git provides a wide range of commands to facilitate teamwork and efficiently handle code modifications. "git stash" and "git cherry-pick," two of these commands, offer developers useful features. We'll explore the specifics of Git stash and cherry-pick in this post, looking at its applications, advantages, and real-world uses.

Git Stash :-

The "git stash" command is a lifesaver when you need to temporarily store changes without committing them to the repository. It's particularly useful when you want to switch branches or apply changes elsewhere without cluttering your commit history. Let's explore how Git stash works with an example :-

Example :-

Suppose you're working on a feature branch and need to switch to another branch to address an urgent bug. Instead of committing your changes, you can stash them:

$ git stash

This command will stash your changes, reverting your working directory to its clean state. Once you've addressed the bug and want to reapply your changes, you can pop the stash:

$ git stash pop

This command will reapply your changes to the working directory, allowing you to continue where you left off.

Git Cherry-pick :-

The "git cherry-pick" command enables you to apply specific commits from one branch to another, making it invaluable for incorporating individual changes into different branches. Whether you need to backport bug fixes or apply experimental changes, git cherry-pick offers a straightforward solution. Let's illustrate git cherry-pick with an example :-

Example :-

Suppose you've identified a commit on the "feature" branch that fixes a critical bug and want to apply it to the "main" branch:

$ git log --oneline
abc1234 (HEAD -> feature) Fix critical bug
def5678 (main) Initial commit

To cherry-pick the commit "abc1234" from the "feature" branch to the "main" branch:

$ git checkout main
$ git cherry-pick abc1234

This command will apply the changes introduced by the commit "abc1234" to the "main" branch, incorporating the bug fix seamlessly.

Conclusion :-

Git stash and cherry-pick are indispensable tools for managing code changes and collaborating effectively in Git repositories. By leveraging git stash, developers can store temporary changes and switch between tasks effortlessly, while git cherry-pick empowers them to apply specific commits with precision. Understanding these commands and integrating them into your workflow can significantly enhance your productivity and streamline version control processes in software development projects.

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Happy Reading!!!!!

Sudha Yadav
